MGM is currently negotiating establishment of ALL ABOUT HEALING NETWORK, feature films, documentaries, music releases and lecture series with forthcoming literary releases in production:
FELD'S RINGLING BROS CIRCUS - Minson's story of watching the The Greatest Show on Earth change hands when purchased by Irvin Feld and how Irvin and son Kenneth made it an even GREATER SHOW on EARTH with Kenneth becoming the King of family entertainment around the world. Minson sold Ringling Brothers the King Charles Troupe as their first Black act, produced the act and travelled with the show. This December marks 50 years ago that Minson brought the Troupe to Ringling rehearsals.
SCHIFFMAN'S APOLLO THEATER brings you into the Apollo Theater to meet owners Frank and Bobby Schiffman as everything is prepared in their work day to bring audiences to their feet when their favorite music stars are right in front of them on the Apollo stage. What guided Frank Schiffman to make Harlem a place of dignity, excitement and a stage that crowned Kings and Queens. Minson worked on a daily basis with Bobby Schiffman, producing all advertising for the shows and all public relations. Excitement in Harlem morning till night stimulating success around the world.
MY 911 TESTIMONY is New York City on September 11th 2001. The story begins two days after the attacks when Minson, as a Red Cross chaplain, encounters Senator Charles Schumer on a staircase at the Armory and is asked for prayer. Then has his first contact with a Jewish gentleman concerned for his wife who is clutching her sons T shirt, crying. After speaking alone with the Mom for awhile she laughs and eases her grip on the shirt. Powerful NY forces warned Minson not to support family members or risk his reputation being damaged, which they immediately did in major media. His work has never stopped and he currently supports 911 sick or dying Responders and their families.
COMPLEXITY OF LOVE❤MY MARGAUX HEMINGWAY Two friends pass through life always intersecting again until their reemergence turns to finally being together as one. And then she's gone. 19 years together turns to paralyzing depression an 80lbs weight gain and decade of recovery. The overwhelming power of depression's insidious assault is explained in a fight to go on from a broken heart.